Liveness and Face Authentication

Safely and securely onboard new clients in seconds with the strongest and fastest fraud protection technology

Key Features:

How it works

Secure link that redirects your customers to a facial verification page

No cumbersome instructions and commands

Just rotate your head in a full circle and you’re done!

Streamlined experience for users from all corners of the world

Universal device compatibility

Works with glasses, beards, and makeup

Intuitive user experience for minimal drop-off rates

Verifying selfies is fast becoming an unreliable method as they can be easily manipulated or accessible for purchase on places such as the darkweb. Mitigate your risk by employing biometric checks, backed up by AI algorithms that detect popular and emerging attack vectors.

Enhanced Security features:

Physical & digital images

Paper masks

Deepfakes, lookalikes, & doppelgangers

Masks, wax figures, & lifelike dolls

High resolution videos